Mon - Thurs : 09:00 - 5:00, Fri : 09:00 - 4:00
(03) 8841 3111

Superannuation Planning

Live with confidence

It doesn’t matter whether you are just starting out in life or in your golden years, superannuation will be one of your most important investments. It is also however one of the most complex investments, made even more so by the ever changing regulations.

There are many questions we are constantly asked:

  • How much can I contribute to super?
  • Is my employer paying the right amount into my super?
  • What choices do I have in relation to where my super is invested?
  • Should I manage my own super fund?
  • When can I access my super?
  • Can I afford to salary sacrifice additional funds into my super? 

At Planning for Life we help you make sense of the complexities surrounding superannuation, as an investment vehicle and tax structure, and ensure you are appropriately structured to take advantage of the underlying benefits.


Book an appointment

We know that financial planning can be complicated. Planning For Life makes it simpler for you. When you need advice and support, call us on (03) 8841 3111

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