The role of insurance is to cover the cost of curve balls. We can’t plan for curve balls. They are unexpected and can be unbelievably devastating, emotionally and financially.
There are lots of statistics out there about illnesses and accidents that impact lives every day. The fact is that most of us have been touched in some way by one or more of these unforeseen events, so we know that curve balls do happen.
The question is, how are you positioned to mitigate the financial impact of any possible curve balls?
Most of us rely on our income to maintain our lifestyle and financial commitments . Our earning capacity is also typically the basis of our wealth. So surely it makes sense to protect this.
If you are employed, your employer will be paying contributions into the business super fund or the relevant industry super fund on your behalf. This fund may have a level of Life insurance, Total and Permanent Disability insurance and possibly some Income Protection cover. Having the cover is a great start, but are the levels right for you? What about Trauma insurance? This is where advice comes in.
At Planning for Life we build individually tailored “risk portfolios”, based on a structured and discipled framework applied to specific client circumstances. The risk portfolio is an integral part of your overall wealth position and is therefore revisited at each planning meeting to ensure it remains relevant.
Why not let us conduct a “risk health check” for you. It is well worth it for your peace of mind.